
2018 – The value relevance of deferred tax assets and the influence of the credit crunch

My master’s thesis at Nyenrode Business University consisted of an empirical study about the influence that the 2007-2008 financial crisis has had on the value relevance of deferred tax assets. Prior research has suggested that deferred tax assets are value relevant. However, the results indicate that expected market volatility (a proxy for market uncertainty) may play a pivotal role in the question whether deferred tax assets are value relevant.

Van der Vossen, R. (2018). The value relevance of deferred tax assets and the influence of the credit crunch; a value relevance study of the effects of the credit crunch. Nyenrode Business University: Breukelen, the Netherlands.

2013 – Bits versus brains in content analysis; comparing the advantages and disadvantages of manual and automated methods for content analysis

Together with Dr. Rutger de Graaf (University of Amsterdam) I’ve published an article in the November 2013 issue of the European Journal of Communication Research. In our article we’ve reviewed the advantages and the disadvantages of manual and automated methods for content analysis in social science. Our results showed that automated methods for content analysis are a great addition to a study but are not entirely a replacement for traditional manual methods.

De Graaf, R.H. & Van der Vossen, R. (2013). Bits versus brains in content analysis; comparing the advantages and disadvantages of manual and automated methods for content analysis. Communications: The European Journal of Communication Research, 38 (4), 433-443.

2012 – The thematical frames in the press releases of trade unions and their influece on newspaper coverage of organisations

My master’s thesis at the University of Amsterdam consisted of an empirical study about how the press releases of trade unions influence newspaper articles about industrial disputes. I’ve used the Pajek method for automated content analysis to analyse the frames used in communication about industrial disputes. The results have showed that especially implicit frames in trade union press releases find their way towards newspaper coverage.

Van der Vossen, R. (2012). De thematische frames in de persberichten van vakbonden en hun invloed op de krantenberichtgeving over organisaties; expliciete en impliciete frames van een industrieel conflict. University of Amsterdam: Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

2011 – Stress prevention at work

My bachelor’s thesis at the University of Amsterdam consisted of a literature study about stress prevention at work. I’ve performed an analysis on the environmental constraints involved and how interpersonal communication can aid stress prevention. However, existing literature does not provide practical guidance on stress prevention. Additional research is required in order to find ways for stress prevention at work.

Van der Vossen, R. (2011). Stress preventie op het werk. University of Amsterdam: Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

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